January 11, 2024

Synthetic Data in Finance


The financial industry is undergoing a transformative era driven by technological advancements, and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this revolution. Within the realm of AI, synthetic data has emerged as a game-changer, offering innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges faced by financial institutions. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of synthetic data in the financial sector, exploring its definition, benefits, applications in AI training, use cases, and the challenges associated with its implementation.

What is Synthetic Data?

Synthetic data refers to artificially generated data that mimics the statistical properties of real-world data without containing any personally identifiable information (PII). Unlike real data, synthetic data is created using algorithms, simulations, or other generative techniques, providing a privacy-compliant alternative for organizations working with sensitive information. By maintaining the structure and patterns of authentic data, synthetic datasets become a powerful tool for testing and development without compromising confidentiality.

Synthetic data can take various forms, including images, text, and numerical datasets, making it versatile for different applications within the financial sector. Its creation involves understanding the underlying patterns and relationships present in actual data, ensuring that the synthetic counterpart accurately reflects the complexities of the financial landscape.

What are the Biggest Benefits of Synthetic Data?

The adoption of synthetic data in the financial industry brings forth a multitude of benefits. Firstly, synthetic data aids in improving data quality and diversity. Traditional datasets may lack the diversity necessary for training robust AI models, leading to biased outcomes. Synthetic data, on the other hand, allows for the introduction of diverse scenarios, ensuring models are more resilient and adaptable.

Additionally, synthetic data plays a crucial role in the protection of data privacy. As financial institutions grapple with an increasing emphasis on compliance and regulations, synthetic data provides a secure alternative for testing and development activities. By eliminating the risk of exposing sensitive information, organizations can navigate the regulatory landscape with greater confidence, fostering trust among their clients and stakeholders.

Synthetic Datasets for AI Training

In the realm of AI, training datasets are the backbone of model development. Synthetic data serves as a valuable resource for training AI models, particularly in situations where acquiring real-world data is challenging or impractical. Financial institutions can leverage synthetic datasets to simulate various market conditions, customer behaviors, and economic scenarios, allowing AI models to be trained on a diverse range of circumstances. This, in turn, enhances the model's predictive capabilities and generalizability.

Synthetic data also offers the advantage of scalability. Financial datasets are often limited in size due to privacy concerns or data acquisition constraints. Synthetic data mitigates this limitation by allowing organizations to generate large, representative datasets, ensuring that AI models are exposed to a comprehensive array of scenarios during the training phase.

At Bavest, we use synthetic data to train our AI systems - the more high-quality data sets we have, the better the AI

Use Cases

Synthetic data finds compelling use cases in the financial industry, addressing challenges specific to this domain. Let’s look at different use cases:

Sustainability Data 

Synthetic data proves invaluable in modeling and analyzing the environmental impact of financial activities, such as investments and transactions. By generating synthetic datasets that mimic real-world carbon footprint data, financial institutions can develop strategies and assess the ecological consequences of their decisions without compromising the confidentiality of actual sensitive information.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Behaviors

In the fight against financial crimes, synthetic data provides a secure testing ground for AML algorithms. Financial institutions can use synthetic datasets to simulate diverse money laundering scenarios, ensuring that their detection systems are robust and effective. This approach allows for rigorous testing without exposing genuine transactional data to potential security risks.

Markets Execution Data

Synthetic datasets play a crucial role in the development and refinement of trading algorithms. Financial organizations can generate synthetic data that replicates various market conditions, enabling them to test the effectiveness of trading strategies in a controlled environment. This not only enhances the performance of algorithms but also ensures compliance with privacy regulations by using synthetic, non-sensitive data for testing purposes.

Credit Scoring and Risk Assessment

Synthetic data facilitates the creation of diverse credit profiles, allowing financial institutions to train and test credit scoring models comprehensively. By generating synthetic datasets that mimic different economic scenarios and borrower profiles, organizations can enhance the accuracy and fairness of their credit risk assessment models. This approach contributes to better-informed lending decisions while mitigating the risks associated with biased or incomplete real-world data.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Synthetic data is instrumental in developing and fine-tuning fraud detection systems. Financial institutions can use synthetic datasets to simulate a wide range of fraudulent activities, enabling their models to recognize and prevent emerging threats. This approach ensures that fraud detection algorithms are robust and adaptive, providing an additional layer of security against evolving financial fraud tactics.

Synthetic data's application across these use cases not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of AI-driven processes in the financial industry but also safeguards sensitive information, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.


While synthetic data holds immense promise, its adoption in the financial sector is not without challenges. One primary concern is ensuring that synthetic datasets accurately represent the complexities and nuances of real-world financial data. Achieving this level of fidelity requires a deep understanding of the underlying patterns and dynamics, demanding expertise in both finance and data science.

Another challenge lies in validating the effectiveness of AI models trained on synthetic data. Bridging the gap between synthetic and real-world performance is crucial to ensure that models generalize well when deployed in actual financial scenarios. Addressing this challenge involves continuous refinement of synthetic data generation techniques and robust validation processes.


Synthetic data stands as a pivotal tool in the arsenal of financial institutions seeking to harness the power of AI. From enhancing data quality and diversity to safeguarding data privacy, synthetic data addresses critical challenges and opens new frontiers for innovation. As the financial industry continues its digital transformation journey, the intelligent integration of synthetic data will play a key role in shaping the future landscape of AI-driven financial services. By navigating the challenges and leveraging the benefits, organizations can position themselves at the forefront of this exciting technological frontier, unlocking unprecedented possibilities for growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


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